Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour

Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour

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I have been working as a Govt. Approved Professional local tour guide in Agra since 2001, with my associate team of Govt. Approved local guides. I have tour guide license by Ministry of tourism, Govt. of India.Book tour guide for Taj mahal As well as, My tour co. (Taj Tour Guide) is registered & approved by Govt. of India & ETAA (Enterprising Travel Agents Association) India. I am professionally qualified. M. A in history & Post Graduate Diploma in tourism management, from Agra university, I usually receive great comments "excellent service" by my clients. Official tour guide Agra As we deliver our best tour services. I am resident of world famous city of ‘ Taj Mahal’, Agra. I have all qualification to serve you as the best tour guide in Agra. I can customize your private tours / itinerary and can arrange car/coach & hotel rooms as per your needs & desire. Tour guide for Taj mahal AgraI enjoy reading books of historical importance and I try to serve my guests better after every tour. My belief is that every traveler should be personally taken care of, and I give full attention to my guests. The role of tour guide for tourism is "Tourist guides are the front line tourism locals professionals, who act as good-will ambassadors to throngs of domestic and international visitors who visit our cities and our nation" Best tour guide Agra Taj mahal. Our venture is being patronized by many 5 star and other leading hotels, embassies and foregin missions, multi-national and Indian companies, travel agents, tour operators and excursion agents etc. Book Online Ticket Taj mahal.I have been giving tour guide services to FIT & Group Tourist, VIP & Corporate Guests with their excellent rating and reviews Click here to read guest reviews with my associate tour guides.Sunrise tour Taj mahal I have Tourist Guide License from Ministry of tourism & culture, Govt. of India. as well as I am professionally qualified M. A in history & Post Graduate Diploma in tourism management, from Agra university , I usually receive comments "excellent service" by my clients Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour . I am resident of world famous city of the TAJ MAHAL, Agra. I have all qualification to serve you as a the best TOUR GUIDE IN AGRA as well as I can customize tours and can arrange car/coach, hotel rooms as per your needs & desire Book tour guide for Taj mahal ,Official tour guide Agra, Tour guide for Taj mahal Agra,Best tour guide Agra Taj mahal, Sunrise tour Taj mahal

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